First Thoughts with Agoric Testnet

3 min readMar 31, 2021


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I’ve never worked in any IT field, but I’ve studied hard by myself, the last years, to understand cryptocurrencies in general but also how nodes work and how I could become a Node Operator/Validator. Of course, financial incentives were something I was looking at, at the beginning. But I slowly started to become passionated about the cryptocurrency field and about how different consensus worked.

“Came for the Money, Stayed for the Technology”

I still remember when I didn’t even know what « sudo » was, and when I thought Terminals were for nerds in movies. I have accumulated a lot of knowledge now, and can navigate more or less by myself, running commands that I know naturally.

That’s something I’m really happy and proud of. More than anything, learning every day is a joy that motivates me through the difficulties and the hair losses.

So, what does this introduction has anything to do with Agoric?

I’m getting at it.

The difference between Rewarded Testnets and Creating an actual decentralized Network

In this field, there’s something that I slowly realized: there are crypto projects that consider their Validators as just something “needed”, and don’t really care about. The Team would give the financial incentives, and that’s it. Testnet participants are purely considered as only some kind of agile QA team. Not necessarily badly rewarded, but that’s all.

But with Agoric, I quickly felt that it was different.

Best is to start with an example that perfectly illustrates that.

How many time did I work for projects that just give you lign of commands to copy-paste and nothing more?

In Agoric, the team clearly cares about you getting the grasp of the technicals, they care about creating an actual crew of skilled and motivated operators.

The Validator Guide is one of the best guide I’ve seen. Not just because it was super clear and easy, but also because it actually explained every single lines.

Agoric team cares about you understanding what you are doing

Besides that, stay around the Discord chat and you can quickly realize how active the Team is. While I am mostly a lurker there, the amount of information and things that I learned is already way above what I expected. The Team is super nice and very helpful, and there is definitely this vibe I’ve talked about: they care.

This overall is really refreshing and gives me a real and true confidence in Agoric, something that I didn’t always feel in some other projects.

As I said, there are projects that “pays” their operators, and there are projects that cares about their Network, its organic Development and the Community behind it.

In other words, Agoric is really working towards a decentralized world.



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